3 Myths
Keeping You From Feeling Light 

Discover 3 myths that are holding you back from feeling lighter in your mind and body. Find out the simple truths you need for lasting motivation.


Jan. 11, 2024
@ 6:30 PM AST
(5:30 PM EST)

Discover 3 myths that are holding you back from feeling lighter in your mind and body. Find out the simple truths you need for motivation.

In This FREE Empowering Session


The #1 Best Strategy

That will improve your relationships while you reach your goal

The 2 Key Ingredients

You need to feel confident and light with your choices

The Most Important Decision

And why it will be easy and effective

Seeing Great Success!

I LOVE feeling like I have control over my choices, and that I can choose what I want for outcomes, and choose what I want for feelings, and change my thoughts to get to those feelings and outcomes.

 ~ Ruth Woodworth

"I guess I just have to accept
this extra weight..." 

You are not alone in thinking this. Whether you are feeling hopeless with the extra 100 lbs that you wish you could wave a magic wand and have it disappear, or you are frustrated with the last stubborn 10-15 lbs that keep reappearing - this Empowering Session is for you.

Life is too short to feel heavy mentally and physically. Life is too amazing to just watch from the sidelines. Waiting for the right time or the right solution is costing you time, energy, deeper connections and your health. Great news my friend, you don't have to settle for less than a life filled with vitality. Why not you?

This Is A Must Attend If...

You've all but given up on 'another diet plan'.

You think you have to give in to age, hormones or metabolism.

You want the same success with your weight as you have in other areas of your life.

A Note From Clarenda...

I’ve been helping people get healthier in Mind and Body for many years. First as a Registered Nurse, then as a Personal Trainer and now as a Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach.

After thousands of patients and clients later, I’ve discovered the most powerful ingredients that help my clients Feel Light- Mind and Body. In working with all stages, all walks of life and levels of health, I have found overcoming these 3 common myths are the key to success.

This Empowering Session has me shouting from the rooftops! If you see these myths for what they are… myths... then you will be excited and empowered to believe that you can have the life and body you imagine. See You Soon!
~ Clarenda