Simple Summer Hacks That You Don’t Need To Vacation From! [Ep. 86]

In just one month, Lisa Stafford has lost 8.8 lbs. The scale number even dropped during the last 2 weeks when she was on vacation and had ...


In just one month, Lisa Stafford has lost 8.8 lbs. The scale number even dropped during the last 2 weeks when she was on vacation and had multiple family celebrations! These hacks are a big part of her healthier, daily lifestyle demonstrating that summer can boost rather than hinder your health goals.

What are we doing? Listen to Episode 86: Simple Summer Hacks That You Don’t Need To Vacation From!

I share top tips for maintaining your health goals amidst the season's temptations. These hacks aren't just for summer; they're lifelong strategies to enhance your daily routine.

Discover simple yet effective methods to keep you motivated and active, from how to manage cravings with delayed gratification to the importance of staying hydrated.

We'll explore why planning your meals and activities can make a significant difference and how maintaining a sleep schedule aligns with your body’s natural rhythms to optimize health.

Join me to find out how you can enjoy summer delights while staying true to your health aspirations and feeling great in your skin.

Book your FREE 20-minute consultation.

I'm here to guide you, pressure-free!

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Podcast Transcription

Here is the link for the podcast transcription provided for your convenience. Please excuse any mistakes the automated service made in transcribing.

Podcast Transcript [Episode 86]

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Episode 84

Episode 85

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Categories: : Life Coaching, Life Skills, Weight Management