The Pain of Staying in Indecision [Ep. 78]

Are you feeling stuck in the pain of indecision? In today's episode, we delve into how indecision can be a hidden stressor, subtly draining your ...


Are you feeling stuck in the pain of indecision? In today's episode, we delve into how indecision can be a hidden stressor, subtly draining your energy and keeping you from moving forward. Discover practical insights on why making even the smallest decisions can dramatically improve your mental and emotional well-being.

We explore empowered versus disempowered decision-making.

We get practical with examples like... when you find yourself with the fridge door open scanning for something... anything!

You'll get practical tips for avoiding the pain of indecision.
Procrastination leads to indecision which adds to the overwhelmed feeling.
THAT will prevent you from living your best life in your best health.

Join me as we unpack this so you can feel lighter starting today!


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Podcast Transcription

Here is the link for the podcast transcription provided for your convenience. Please excuse any mistakes the automated service made in transcribing.

Podcast Transcript [Episode 78]

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Episode 76

Episode 77

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Categories: : Life Coaching, Life Skills, Weight Management